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【全球独家】美外國語學校(香港部)2022-2023年度 STEAM WEEK 圓滿結束

2023-06-16 11:26:56 来源:互联网

美外國語學校(香港部)2022-2023年度 STEAM WEEK 圓滿結束





STEAM WEEK Successfully Concluded


STEAM 是代表科學(Science) 、科技(Technology) 、工程(Engineering)、藝術(the Arts) 及數學(Mathematics)各英文譯寫的首字母縮略詞。推動STEAM 教育是配合全球的教育趨勢,以裝備學生應對21世紀社會及全球因急速的經濟、科學及科技發展所帶來的轉變和挑戰。在香港現行課程中,STEAM 教育是透過常識科、科學、科技及數學教育學習領域推動。

STEAM is an acronym of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. The promotion of STEAM education is in line with global educational trends to equip students to cope with the changes and challenges brought about by the rapid economic, scientific, and technological development of society and the worldin the 21st century. In the current curriculum in Hong Kong, STEAM education is promoted through the fields of common sense, science, technology, and mathematics education.

STEAM 教育的重點在於強化學生在科學、科技及數學教育各學習領域及跨學習領域的綜合和應用知識與技能的能力。

The focus of STEAM education is to strengthen students" ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills in various fields of science, technology, and education, as well as across learning domains.

以下為推行 STEAM 教育學習活動的兩個建議模式


Model 1


The following are two suggested models for promoting STEAM educational learning activities: Mode 1 To build a learning activity based on a topic in a learning field, allowing students to integrate learning elements related to other learning fields.


Model 2


Students are allowed to integrate the relevant learning elements in different learning areas through a thematic study.

華美外國語學校(香港部)舉辦的2022-2023學年度STEAM WEEK根據以上兩種模式分成兩個組別進行活動。


The STEAM WEEK activities for the 2022-2023 academic year held by Huamei Foreign Language School (Hong Kong Department) is divided into two groups according to the above two modes. Primary and first grade students participated in a project called "Egg Protection Action". Students need to complete the experiment of keeping eggs intact after falling from a high altitude with limited materials. In addition to physics, this subject also integrates the knowledge of other subjects such as visual arts as an additional bonus item.


The students are divided into primary school groups and middle school groups to compete. The competition response was strong, the students actively participated in the competition, playing their imagination and creating various devices to protect the eggs.


First Prize


Second Prize


Third Prize


Students in grade two and above participated in the thematic study


Thematic study means that students set a theme based on real life scenes by themselves,then explore and solve problems by themselves in the process of completing the theme, constantly try and make mistakes to correct their own solutions, finally release their own works, and reflect and adjust their own designs based on the feedback of others.


Each student is the leader and deeply involved throughout the entire process, during which students need to learn teamwork, communication, and self-management.

★ ★ ★


First Prize


Second Prize


Third Prize


The students also demonstrated astonishing talent in public speaking in this activity. In order to encourage students, we also presented a special outstanding speaker award to encourage those speakers who bravely stepped onto the stage in this event.

最後,我們再次感謝華美外國語學校(香港部)為此次STEAM WEEK提供的支持和協助。此次活動不僅讓學生們接觸到最新的STEAM教育理念,更展示了學生們的創新能力、團隊協作精神和語言藝術能力,是一次非常成功的STEAM教育實施活動。讓我們期待下一次的STEAM盛宴!

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to Huamei Foreign Language School (Hong Kong Department) for providing support and assistance to STEAMWEEK this time. This activity not only exposed students to the latest STEAM education concepts, but also showed their innovation ability, teamwork spirit, and language art ability. It was a very successful STEAM education implementation activity. Let"s look forward to the next STEAM feast!



翻譯:呂 婧




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